Monday, May 24, 2004

How finding "ideological soul mates" is great for world mission

Technology today is letting ideological soul mates find each other. So describes a Washington Post article about politics, not mission. But whether about politics or not, the observation gives a world of insight into the changing dynamics making this one of the most exciting times ever for world mission.

"The rise of direct mail, cable television and the Internet has enabled ideological soul mates to find one another efficiently, to organize, to concentrate their resources and to evangelize. Big Media — especially network television and daily newspapers — are rapidly losing their power to shape public consensus and marginalize ideological extremes," says the article.

In other words, the "usual suspects" that shape our news and views of mission are fast giving way to new mouthpieces and methods. Missions' version of Big Media (mission agency and denominational mouthpieces) seem to be inadept at keeping up with the pace of connection and information demanded today.

Churches are less and less content to wait for stale, polished reports on mission endeavors from annual or quarterly organization newsletters: they want it fresh, and they want it direct. Better yet, they want to be the ones reporting new mission developments to others because they are so deeply involved and connected! In my view this means we're getting into the halcyon days of mission. Nothing could bode better for mission than this reconnection of mission to the local congregation.

New technologies such as email groups, networks, blogs and more are paving the way for what the Washington Post calls "ideological soul mates" to discover each other, organize for mission, concentrate their resources, and (wow, what a parallel universe!) evangelize.

The desire to find others who share our dreams and Spirit-promptings for mission is one of the most hopeful developments in mission today. We can move away from Lone Ranger mission, disconnected, non-networked mission - and into Kingdom-building, effective and coordinated mission.

So here's a bow to all readers who think it would be just great to find some ideological soul mates for mission. Press on! May you be successful for the sake of the gospel and the advancement of Christ's glory.

--Dave Hackett



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